
This collection of articles about clutter will provide you with dozens of strategies for removing the things that weigh you down and keep you from enjoying a lighter, freer life.

1.  The Truth About Clutter

2.  Clutter Defined, and 5 Signs of a Clutter Problem

3.  11 Reasons to Clear Your Clutter Today

4.  5 Reasons Your Life Will Be Better If You Simplify

5.  5 Ways to Live More Simply Even If You Can't Declutter Yet

Think of decluttering like weeding a garden.

choked by weeds

6.  How to Weed Out the Clutter and Let Your Garden Grow

7.  It's True: Clutter and Obesity Share a Direct Link

8.  How to Soothe "Just in Case" Concerns

9.  Decluttering Will Boost Your Skills and Confidence

10.  How to Deal With Other People's Clutter

11.  How to Keep Your Friends from Enjoying the Benefits of Minimalism

Here's why you shouldn't Kondo your home.

13. Touch Everything: Why It's a Great Decluttering Tool 

14.  How One Question Can Help You Get to Less

15.  5 Questions to Answer When You're Trying to Minimize

16.  The Best Way to Clear Clutter (Plus 12 Steps to a Successful Spending Freeze)

17.  Five-Minute Minimalism

18.  How a Naked Table Makes My Home Life Better

19.  5 Easy Steps to Declutter Your Home Now

20.  Throw a Packing Party and Gain a Simpler Life Today

21.  11 Decluttering Jump Starts

22.  10 Tried-and-True Ways to Increase Your Discard Pile

23.  10 Tiny Decluttering Tasks With Big Results

24.  Declutter 30 Things (or More!) With Ease This Weekend

25.  It's Worth Your Effort to Make a Place For Everything

26.  How to Make Decluttering Decisions with Ease and Confidence

27.  The Essential Decluttering Decision: Keep or Toss?

28.  What Do You Do With All of Your Stuff?

29.  20 Things You Probably Own Too Many Of (and what to do with them)  

30.  How to Get Unstuck When You Lose Decluttering Momentum

Staying clutter-free is as much about what comes in as about what goes out.

clutter-free kitchen

Decluttering helps you discover what you really value.

32.  12 Practical Tips to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe You'll Love to Wear

33.  Why a Uniform Might Work for You

34.  Why Your Wardrobe is Out of Control and How to Make It Better

35.  5 Easy Steps to a Simplified Kitchen

36.  The 20 Toy Rule

37.  How to Conquer Toy Clutter

38.  How to Pare Down Your Home Library and Uncover the Books You Love

39.  Declutter Your Fantasy Self

40.  Memories, Not Mementos

41.  How to Let Go of Sentimental Keepsakes – and Strengthen Your Memories

42.  How to Uncover Your Treasures by Decluttering Your Keepsakes

43.  Precious Memories: How to Declutter the Stuff That's Hard to Let Go

44.  How to Declutter Christmas Decorations

45. 11 Common Traps to Avoid When Decluttering

46.  How to Declutter More Effectively By Understanding 4 Personality Types  

47.  Why Decluttering Isn't Like Waving a Magic Wand

48.  How to Be a Genuine Minimalist Even If You Love Your Stuff

49.  10 Tips to Help You Declutter When You Don't Feel Like It


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