9 Ways to Free Yourself from the Trap of Consumerism

We're all consumers. We eat, we need clothing and shelter, we use tools and supplies to accomplish our work. In fact, the typical definition of "life" includes the abilities to eat, metabolize, and excrete. In other words, life requires consumption . But consumerism is a social and economic order that "encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts," according to Wikipedia. It's that last phrase that should grab our attention. Forever dissatisfied Our society teaches us that we should consume more and more as time goes by. We aren't supposed to establish a sustainable level of consumption, but are expected to meet increasing desires. By almost every measure, we consume more per person now than we did 60 years ago , yet most of us still have long lists of things we want or believe we need. Our supposedly "robust" economy requires us to be forever unsatisfied with what we have! We have to consume in order to ...