How a Peaceful Life Is Still Possible in a Stressed-Out World

There's no question that life in the 21st century is stressful. But hasn't "life is stressful" always been true? Our ancestors worried about surviving a freezing winter, about hail or locusts or something else that might destroy crops, about predatory animals, about disease and injury.... At least most of us have no worries about heat, food, wild animals, or whether we can get decent medical care when we need it. Humans have always lived with stressors, but today we do things that add even more . We could choose to avoid some of the factors that make life more difficult than it has to be, but to succeed, we need to shift our mindset. 9 ways to simplify life for more peace 1. Unplug. We haven't always had mobile phones, but now we "must" have them at all times. Some of us sleep with them. Try leaving your phone in your car when you go out, or in another room when you're at home. Go about your tasks and think your own thoughts without responding...