How to Free Yourself from the Trap That Makes Life a Grind

Like a lot of people, I was stuck on the merry-go-round of work and spend, work and spend. It didn't make me happy, but I didn't know how to break free. What is the work/spend cycle? You work long hours to further your career. Come home tired and stressed, but still try to spend time with your partner and children. Order lots of takeout food because you're not only too exhausted to cook and clean up afterward, but also to plan meals and shop for them. Fill your online shopping cart and buy something nice to make yourself feel better. The feeling is real (because: dopamine), but it doesn't last. You need to shop again so you can get your hit of that feel-good chemical. Increased spending in an attempt to make life easier and happier requires you to keep working long hours to pay for all of it – and crowds your living space with a bunch of stuff you don't need. Working long hours drains your energy and makes your relationships feel rushed and distant, which makes y...