3 Easy Decluttering Successes (Challenges Part 3)

Lying on the floor in front of me were three pairs of black summer sandals. Each pair had its good and bad features. There were the extremely comfortable but rather clunky-looking ones, the super-cute but very uncomfortable strappy ones, and the ones that were rather cute and adequately comfortable, but took a bit more effort to wear since each shoe had three adjustment points. I knew I really only needed one pair of black sandals, but which one? Maybe I should just keep them all... Difficult decisions Have you ever been in this situation? You know your life will be better with less stuff, but you're struggling to decide what to keep and what to remove. Paring down becomes slow and difficult, and sometimes (like I did in this situation), you get frustrated and wind up keeping everything. Simplifying your life can seem impossible when you're staring at a house full of stuff, a packed calendar, and maybe debt or other obstacles in the way. So focus on baby steps ra...