How to Choose Hope and Focus on What's Good

Tomorrow is Good Friday, a name that always confused me as a child. Isn't Good Friday the day that Jesus suffered on a cross? Isn't it the day he died? I understood why Easter is a joyful celebration of his resurrection, but not how such a dark and sorrowful day could be called "good." Whether or not you believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ after his sacrificial death on a cross, you may still enjoy celebrating Easter as a time of renewal, hope, and love for family and friends. But how can Good Friday fit into that? The realities of life I don't know many people who don't carry a burden of fear and anxiety. Even if it's usually in the background, we all have daily stresses, looming challenges, ongoing difficulties, and potential griefs. The world isn't perfect, and troubles and disappointments are real. It's not a matter of if – it's a matter of when . At some point, something will be hard to handle. An optimistic viewp...