It's Time to Keep Those Promises You've Made to Yourself

We live in a time when, with the click of a button, we can order whatever catches our fancy and have it delivered to our door by the next day – without even leaving the couch. Unlike our ancient ancestors, gathering things requires almost no effort from us. We don't have to track, hunt, walk, run, pick, carry, or laboriously prepare anything in order to eat. We don't need skills of spinning, weaving, or sewing to acquire new clothes. We don't need to tell our own stories or sing our own songs – we can ask Siri or Alexa to play or stream whatever we like. Here's our problem. Our problem comes with using many of the things we accumulate. Let me ask you: Do you have any clothes in your closet with the tags still on? Do you have clothes in your closet you haven't worn for a year or more? Do you have china, glassware, or serving pieces you save only for a special occasion? Do you have small appliances or kitchen gadgets gathering dust at the back of a cupboard? Do ...