Why We Should All Be Doing More Work

Work more? Look, Karen, I'm too overwhelmed and stressed as it is. What the heck are you talking about? Let me see if I can explain. I don't mean for you to work overtime, add a side hustle, or otherwise try to bring in more income. I mean that all of us should do more work . We often think of people in the past living a "simple" life compared to our modern experience, but they certainly worked harder for it. My grandmother grew a garden, tended goats and chickens, and cooked from scratch every day. My mother sewed almost all the clothes she and my sister and I wore. My grandfather and dad always had something that needed maintenance or repair, in addition to the physically taxing jobs they did for pay. The passive life Most of us sit in front of computers all day, and then sit in front of a TV in the evening. This gets boring, so we snack. Snacking loses its power to distract us, so we buy more treats. Or we scroll social media or shop online, all to keep our bra...