The 30-Day Habit Challenge for a Better New Year

What is a habit challenge? It's a commitment to a new personal routine. I've chosen 30 days because it's a well-defined period of time, not too long, yet long enough to settle into a new behavior. Thirty days provides enough experience to make an honest evaluation. Try it... you may like it. The purpose of the challenge is to find out if a new practice is something that works well and improves your life. Maybe it: saves you money or time helps you get rid of clutter motivates you to get more exercise encourages you to eat more healthfully causes you to streamline your wardrobe inspires you to be more mindful and grateful It may or may not become a permanent part of your life. It's an experiment , meant to be enlightening and fun. 15 challenges with potential to change your habits (and your life) 1. For 30 days, eat 20 meals per week at home (eat out only once per week). 2. For 30 days, spend 5 minutes moving every hour (except when...