15 Proven Tips to Make Life in a Small Home Pleasant

Anne, a reader from England, sent me an email saying that she was surprised by my idea of photographing outfits to post on a closet inspiration board.  "This won't apply to many people in England," she wrote.  "Our houses have become very much smaller over the years... because housing is so expensive over here."

I was interested to hear how Anne and her husband live comfortably in their small home (53 square meters/570 square feet).  Here in the U.S. the average size of houses keeps growing, and bigger houses do cost much more.  People seem willing to accept a huge mortgage, literally signing their lives away ("mortgage" originally meant "death pledge") in order to purchase and furnish as large a home as possible.

small cottage

Why do we carry such a heavy debt?  

And what are we hoping to get in exchange for our money and life energy?

Maybe we want extra large homes so we don't have to share space.  As house sizes have increased in North America, family sizes have decreased.  Far fewer children grow up sharing a bedroom, and some don't even share a bathroom.  Family members have their own computers, TVs, and phones.  They may eat in the kitchen, in the home office, or on a couch – and all at different times.

Are we simply avoiding each other?

My husband and I lived for over four years with our two grade school-aged children in about 800 square feet (74 square meters).  We spent a lot of time in each other's company!

  • We didn't have room for mail, laundry, or dirty dishes to pile up, so we learned to deal with them consistently.
  • We placed realistic limits on toys and hobby supplies, and they were tidied away each evening.
  • I was homeschooling the kids, and Jon is a teacher, so books and papers often covered the entire dining table.  We cleared things away before mealtimes.

Smaller spaces call for better habits.

Living in a small home forced us to think about our belongings and how we used the space, but maybe more importantly, it made us aware of the impact of our actions on each other.  

We couldn't just ignore each other or let problems fester.  We had to learn thoughtfulness and tolerance.  We practiced more communication, more negotiation, and more awareness of each other's needs.

My teenaged brother had reason to complain about how long my sister and I spent in the bathroom, just as we had reason to complain about his loud music.  But learning to get along and live together was good for us.  

Being considerate about how much noise you make, or how long you monopolize a space, is good practice for living in a crowded world.  Clearing up your work materials or hobby supplies when you're finished for the day, or when others need the area, is simply thoughtful behavior and a good habit to learn.

15 tips for maximizing a small home

You can definitely make a small house or apartment seem spacious, with more comfort for those who live there.

1.  Have a place for everything and avoid duplication.

If you always keep your scissors in a certain drawer, you don't need a second pair of scissors.  This is true for pens, flashlights, personal grooming tools, the mayonnaise, and many other items.  

Multiply the effect by all the things you use, and it's clear that basic organization can save a ton of space and make duplicates unnecessary.

2.  Evaluate possessions critically.

My philosophy with most items is that if I don't use it for a year I can and should get rid of it.  It's just taking up space, so why keep it around?  

If you haven't used sports or hobby equipment, kitchen items, or clothing in a year, either use them now or consider donating or selling them.

PRO TIP:  If you have several children, you may be storing clothes and toys for longer than one year until the younger children grow into them.

3.  Preserve quiet times.

Multiple people living in a small space can get loud.  Talking, laughing, and playing music or the TV can interfere with reading, studying, or phone conversations.  And an argument is rarely private!  

Negotiate the use of space with your housemates, respect closed doors, and agree to periods of quiet, say before 7 a.m. and after 9 or 10 p.m.

meaningful decor

4.  Choose less but more meaningful décor.

It's tempting to fill limited wall space with all the things you like and think you want.  But this makes walls crowded, with no focus.  The same is true if your shelves and tables are packed with knickknacks and mementos.

When you choose fewer items, your tastes and interests become clear.  Take time to select your favorite items with the most meaning, and you'll be able to see and enjoy those things even more.  

PRO TIP:  With careful curation, your home will look more classy and less like a shop.

5.  Use fewer pieces of furniture.

Here are some possibilities:

  • Don't clutter your living room with chairs that no one sits in or tables that just gather dust.  
  • If you have the option, choose floor or pendant lamps instead of table lamps, sleek and trim instead of overstuffed, and seating that accommodates the family plus one or two visitors (you can always bring in dining chairs if you have more company).  
  • Think about one large bookcase instead of several smaller ones, or one large dresser instead of several small chests.  Each larger item might take more floor space, but fewer pieces in total will seem more spacious.

6.  Buy foldable furniture.

This might include a fold-out couch to provide extra sleeping space, or a table with leaves that can be kept small most of the time and expanded when necessary.  A couple of folding chairs can live at the back of a closet until they are needed.

7.  Show some leg.

On your furniture, that is.  When you can see more of the floor, a room feels larger.  So a couch, dresser, or cabinet with legs will look less bulky and make the space feel more open.

8.  Use a trunk.

Add storage by using a trunk or ottoman* as a coffee table or at the foot of your bed.  In the living room, you could store hobby supplies or board games where they are hidden but handy for use.  In a bedroom, you might store extra sheets and blankets or out-of-season clothing.

* This blog is reader-supported.  If you buy through my links, I may earn a small commission.

9.  Let there be light.

A small home can feel claustrophobic, so dress windows lightly and take advantage of natural light whenever possible.  Your room will be brighter, and an outside view makes your interior feel larger by extending your sight lines.  It's an optical illusion, but it can change the way your home feels.

Hang curtains on wide rods so they clear the window when open.  Place rods just below the ceiling with curtains touching the floor to make the space look taller.  If you prefer blinds, choose a set with wide slats.  

10.  Hang a mirror.

A mirror reflects and enhances light, the view out a window, and the size of your rooms.  Trick your eyes into thinking you're looking farther than you actually are by adding a large mirror to any room.

11.  Paint walls a pale color.

Light colors (especially cool tones like white, gray, green, or blue) create a sense of openness, and an eggshell or satin finish will add a subtle sheen that bounces more light around the room.

Paint walls, ceiling, and trim the same or a similar color throughout the house.  This creates a seamless look so your eye doesn't stop to measure where one surface ends and another begins.  If you want to use wallpaper, choose a focal wall and a large-scale print.

12.  Create a private nook.

Even a corner of a room can be your personal spot.  Maybe it will house a favorite collection, a comfortable chair and a few treasured books, or a music stand and your violin.  It might be a dressing table topped with favorite photographs and personal care items, or an area arranged for yoga or prayer.

You and each of the people you live with can have a personal oasis, providing a sense of privacy even in your small home.

13.  Keep kitchen and bathroom counters and the refrigerator door clear.

If you want these rooms to look larger, declutter all the extras so you can put your most-used items inside the cupboards, out of sight but easily accessible.  Keep just one or two things on the counter, such as a bowl of fresh produce, a crock of cooking utensils, or a pretty soap dispenser.  

And that cluttered refrigerator door looks tacky.  Find a better way to keep photos, appointment reminders, and kids' artistic masterpieces.

14.  Share ownership.

If you have large items that you want but don't use regularly – luggage or camping equipment, for example – perhaps a friend or family member with a larger home would be willing to share ownership with you.  Your friend could use the item whenever they wish in exchange for storage, and you retain access without needing more space.

15.  Find a third place.

Enlarge your home by spending some of your free time somewhere else.  

A third place is a comfortable, familiar spot where you can get away from the problems of work and the chores at home.  It could be a pub, coffee shop, diner, bookstore, hair salon, park, gym, place of worship, or somewhere else.  You might go there to read or write or do the crossword, or you might connect with others over a shared interest or activity.  Either way, people know your name and you feel an easy sense of belonging.

When you find ways to use space wisely rather than moving out or adding on, you make it possible to be happy in a smaller home or apartment than you might otherwise have chosen.  

Save money, save time, live comfortably, and maybe even become a more pleasant person!

Related article:  Why You Should Rethink the American Dream

Want even more?  I think you'll love my book, Comfortable Minimalism: Create a Home With Plenty of Style and a Lot Less Stuff, available on Amazon.  

We need the shelter that our homes provide, but think about how you feel when you walk into your home.  What happens to your energy and your mood?  Does your home make you feel as good as it could?  Does it support the quality of life you need and want?  

These are important questions, because the answers affect you and your family every day.

With Comfortable Minimalism, you can start making your home more beautiful and welcoming right now, even if you have no money to spend.  Experience more open space, more natural light, and easier home care.  Learn to choose and display the items that bring you the most joy.  Make small changes for a big impact!

Updated December 2022


  1. Good tips here. Thanks so much but the catch is, is it doable for people who despite the knowledge continue to be bogged down by difficulty in letting go coupled with procrastination and lack of energy?

    1. It's doable, but not all at once. I have to believe we can make new choices for our lives, but we might have to take many small steps toward a big goal. I'm (too often) lazy and lethargic myself, but the reality is that sometimes those tasks we dread don't really take as much time and effort as we think they will. https://www.maximumgratitudeminimalstuff.com/2022/05/five-minute-minimalism.html


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