Take the Declutter Dare

Do you have a lot of pent up energy since you're spending so much time at home with so few places to go?  Why not take the Declutter Dare?

cluttered kitchen

Get the whole family involved.  Subscribe, and I'll send you my downloadable PDF, The Declutter Dare, with instructions that will help you declutter 100 items (or more) in just one hour.  YES YOU CAN!

Why not leave a comment below if you take this challenge?  Were you successful?  Was it worthwhile?  How do you feel now?

If you enjoyed this challenge, you'll like my book Uncluttered: How Minimalism Can Help You Thrive.  It's a comprehensive handbook for a simpler life; a creative, encouraging, multi-faceted guide to help you remove the stuff that's bogging you down so you can gain focus and peace.


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