What Gets You Up and Out Of Bed?

What makes you get out of bed, excited to begin the day?  I'm willing to bet it isn't a new outfit or doodad for your home, or even a new car.  Isn't it more likely to be

  • a long-anticipated event, such as a trip you've planned?
  • a challenge, such as opening night of the play you're in?
  • a visit with a much-missed loved one?
  • the beginning of a new project, or the long-awaited completion of a project?

wide awake

The roots of happiness

Some of those things don't cost money.  They don't involve shopping at all.  A pleasure that quickly fades, like buying a new phone or eating another meal out, will never cause you to jump out of bed in the morning.

Bertrand Russell, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, struggled with depression – even contemplated suicide – as a teen.  As an adult, he sought to discover the root causes of happiness and unhappiness, the factors that would either make you excited to get out of bed in the morning or not.

In his 1930 classic, The Conquest of Happiness, Russell wrote that "zest" was the common attribute of happy people.  "Zest" is synonymous with enthusiasm, eagerness, and energy.  To Russell, having zest for life meant being active, creative, interested in the world around you, and ready to learn new things.  A sense of wonder and appreciation would add zest to a person's life.

How can we increase zest?

Does social media increase my zest for life?  If not, then why should I spend so much time on it?

Does having 100 pieces of clothing in my closet increase my zest for life, or might I feel even better if I simply owned 10 flattering and comfortable outfits?  And if that's so, why am I spending time and money shopping for more?

Does a weekend slouched in front of televised sports increase anyone's zest for life, or might a hike in the woods, a pick-up basketball game, a bike ride, or even the accomplishment of a few garden chores do a better job?

Does good coffee increase my zest for life?  Okay, maybe.  It might make sense to seek out the best cup of coffee for a reasonable price.

Minimalism can help you discover what really brings value to your life.  That's because an uncluttered home, a more open schedule, and victory over debt leave you with energy, time, and money to pursue what matters to you.  You'll spend less time living through a screen and more time appreciating the beauties of the real world.  You may uncover talents and interests you didn't even notice before.

The activities, events, and challenges that make you excited to get up in the morning will have more room to flourish because of minimalism.  Instead of passively consuming retail goods or prepackaged entertainment, you'll become actively engaged.  In fact, you'll have more freedom to give your complete attention to the things that bring you joy.

Minimalism facilitates flow.

You may even experience what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow.  Flow happens when you're completely immersed in an activity, lose track of time, and forget your problems.  This state of happiness is triggered by concentration, and it's rarely possible until distractions and non-essential things are reduced or eliminated.

The activities that enable us to experience flow will bring long-lasting satisfaction, unlike following social media, watching another football game, or buying new shoes.  We should certainly enjoy the little bursts of pleasure that come from drinking ice water on a hot day or laughing at a good joke.  But having the freedom to curl up with a good book on a rainy afternoon or get lost in the changing colors of the sunset may bring us more joy.  

Even better, those activities that let us use our talent, intellect, craftsmanship, and problem-solving creativity will also increase our long-term happiness.

Which activities give you zest for a new day?

Updated March 2023


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