7 Ways Minimalism Could Change Your Life for the Better

A lot of people think of "minimalism" as a huge white room with a white couch and some modern art.

That is one minimalist style or design aesthetic, and it might be appropriate in the expensive penthouse apartment of someone who has a trust fund but no family, no pets, and whose hobbies are travel and yoga.  However, most of us don't (and don't want to) live like that.

So what do I mean by "minimalism"?

Minimalism means living with less clutter, busyness, debt, and stress
so I have room for what really matters to me.
It lets me focus on the people, activities, and things that add value to my life,
while reducing or removing everything else.
warm minimalist room

Find your "why."

There are many reasons to explore minimalism, and the "why" will be slightly different for everyone.  Figuring out your "why" is key to finding motivation and endurance when you encounter obstacles in your minimalist path.  So settle in with a cup of tea and a notebook and pen, and think about what has brought you to this place in your life.

1.  You're stressed and overwhelmed, and you're hoping minimalism will be the cure.  

  • You can't find your keys or your shoes or the permission slip you're supposed to sign.  
  • You can't clean the house without spending a ton of time moving the clutter so you can vacuum, and you hate dusting all the knickknacks.  
  • You can't walk down the hall without tripping on one of your kid's toys.  
  • You can't shut your dresser drawers.  
  • You can't cook a meal without scooting things around the counter to find room to chop an onion, so you serve processed convenience foods way too often.  
  • You can't sit at the table to eat anyway, because it's covered with three days' mail, kids' homework, your purse, a water bottle, and (oh, there they are) your keys.

2.  You're in debt and juggling the bills, and you're hoping minimalism will help you get your money under control.  

You shop to reward yourself, to relax, or because you're bored.  You don't need or use half the stuff you buy, and the debt keeps piling up.  You feel burned out by work, but still can't make ends meet.

3.  You're overloaded with activities, and you're hoping minimalism will help you use your time more effectively.  

Your schedule is jam-packed, and you feel guilty every time you say "no," so you just keep adding more commitments.  You want to give your kids every opportunity, and you're afraid of missing out on something important, so you go-go-go every day.  You're craving a real day off and some extra sleep.

4.  You've developed some health issues, and you're hoping minimalism will help you focus on the needs of your body and your spirit.  

Maybe it's too many late nights, maybe it's too much fast food, maybe it's too many desserts to reward yourself or too many drinks to numb yourself, but you realize something's got to change before your health is permanently compromised.

5.  You've become so focused on keeping up with the Joneses that you're not even sure who you are any more, and you're hoping minimalism will give you the space to figure that out.  

You feel like you're chasing goals you didn't choose, and wouldn't choose if you could do it all over again.  You're worried that you're caught in someone else's life and that there's no way out.

6.  You don't converse anymore, you just tweet and retweet, and you're hoping minimalism will help you deepen your relationships.  

You believe that people are more important than things, but if you're honest, you know you give more attention to your phone than you do to your loved ones.  You spend more time thinking about what to buy or see or do next than you spend being fully present with anyone.  Your "family time" consists of doing chores around the house, rushing to kids' lessons and games, and shopping.

7.  You've become focused on what you don't have, and crabby about all that is expected of you, and you're hoping minimalism will give you a new mindset.  

You want to learn gratitude and optimism before the frown lines are indelible.

Minimalism can help you design a life with more of what you love, and less of what you don't.  Keep reading... there's more to come!

P. S.  I'm so excited and honored to be the featured Real Life Minimalist today on Francine Jay's blog, Miss Minimalist.  Please visit!

Updated January 2023


  1. Very well written, enjoyed reading that and identified

    1. Hi! Thanks for your kind words. I guess I'm *sorry* you can identify with this list because that probably means you need to make some changes for your own benefit. But I'm also happy you can identify with it, because I think minimalism can help you! Please subscribe, and I'll do my best to keep useful and inspiring posts coming your way!


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